At Financial Source, we put all efforts to provide you with accurate data/information. However, if you find a discrepancy in data/information or wish to suggest corrections to any Fact-Check, please write to us at with the article title in the subject line and the details of the proposed correction. We assure you that we will look into the same & update with a correction wherever necessary within 48 hours of the receipt of a correction email.

We value feedback from our readers, which can be posted in the comments section at the end of every story, video or post. A request for a correction or an update in a story can also be sent to us. also monitors its large presence on social media platforms and welcomes feedback and criticism from our readers.

If there is a major correction or a substantive change which modifies the rating of a news story, it is prominently marked as “Correction” at the top, and we clearly indicate the change, with information on why the change was necessary. This provides a clear, transparent history to every correction.

If a new fact comes to light after a story is published, information that adds substantial new layers or angles but does not alter the rating, it is marked as “Update” at the end of the article.

Corrections in typographical errors, misspellings, grammatical errors or minor changes which are not considered significant by editors are not usually noted.

What is covered in this policy?

The following are covered in the policy and will be addressed within the given timelines.

    Factual Errors: Any factual error in data, claim, source or any other content in the story can be reported.

    Broken Links: Any broken link to a claim, source or any other broken hyperlink can be reported.

    Conclusion: If you believe that the rating used in the fact-check is not supported by the evidence presented in the story.

What is not covered in this policy?

Opinions or any other issues not listed above are not covered in this policy and hence we are not obliged to respond in such cases.